The GET_ACCOUNT_ID_BY_MAIL function is used to convert an email into an Atlassian accountID for a given JSONPath value.
Usable: Value Fields
Parameter | Type | Examples | Description |
PARAM_1 | string |
| The JSONPath expression that returns an email that should be converted into an accountID |
Value Field Example
For example, consider the following data source JSON:
"name": "Mario",
"email": ""
to convert the email to an accountID
{ GET_ACCOUNT_ID_BY_MAIL(($.email)) }
This will result in '12345678910'
User Picker Usage
The GET_ACCOUNT_ID_BY_MAIL function is commonly used in combination with a dependent field targeting a native Jira user picker field. In order to set the value of the user picker field, the accountID is required, which may not be readily available in your data source. This function helps you convert existing emails to the required accountID, making it easier to set the value of the user picker field.