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App Installation Issues

The error message “Please verify that your payment details and license status are correct before trying to install the app again” can be displayed for a number of reasons.

Here are some of the reasons we currently know about:

You have an inactive subscription for this app

If you’ve previously had a trial of this app which expired, then uninstalled and reinstalled the app, this error message may appear.

Check your subscriptions

In Jira/Confluence administration, select Billing from the left menu

In Billing Preview, select the product you are using, e.g. Confluence, and press the Manage link:

Scroll down and look for Inactive Subscriptions:

If the app is present there, then the only way to get it working again is to contact Atlassian’s customer support. Press the contact customer support link to discuss the issue with Atlassian.

You have an outstanding quote with Atlassian

Browse to and check whether you have any outstanding quotes with Atlassian.

Atlassian has no current payment details for you

  • There is no credit card on your account

  • Your credit card has expired

In Jira/Confluence administration, select Billing from the left menu

Jira admin select Billing in the settings

In Billing Preview, select the product you are using, e.g. Confluence, and press the Manage link:

Jira admin Billing Preview screen

If there is a problem with your credit card, you will see the We need your payment details box:

Manage subscriptions shows We need your payment details message

Click on the Add payment details link and update your details.

Restore from backup was done, displacing the default application access group

After a Restore from backup is done on an instance, an incorrect default application access group may be present on your cloud instance. Due to this, apps/plugins are unable to identify the default group required for installation.


  • If it's related to Default Group, navigate to your Admin Management section on

  • Click on Product Access you'll see the below popup box, then click on Review Imported groups

Review imported groups in the Product access screen

  • Click on Approve for all Groups

Approve the imported user groups

See related article from Atlassian:

The error “We ran into a little trouble. It might just be a hiccup” can appear for the following reasons:

Atlassian are experiencing a problem validating app descriptors

Sometimes, Atlassian’s app descriptor validation does not work correctly and prevents apps from being installed.

An example of this happening occurred on June 13, 2023:

At the time, Atlassian's status page did not show any message about this degradation of functionality for a few hours.

As this particular situation is pretty obscure and difficult for end users to troubleshoot, our advice here is to ask us (if it’s our app) or your app vendors, or perhaps open a ticket with Atlassian.

Something has momentarily failed at Atlassian and you really should try again in a bit

We’re all human. Sometimes things really do fail.

You should take a look at Atlassian's status page and see if there’s any outage.

Alternatively, wait a while and try again.

For other Atlassian Marketplace vendors:

This page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA).

This page is modified and based on Error message on app install – We ran into a little trouble / It may just be a hiccup • David Simpson Apps

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.