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Configuring Projects

This is the documentation for Snipe-IT for Jira Version 2. All Version 1 users will have to migrate to Version 2 by the end of the year.

Once you are done setting up the connection to Snipe-IT, you can configure projects individually.

  1. Go to the project configuration screen:

    • Either by clicking on the Configure button in the app listing

    • Or under Jira settings > Apps > Snipe-IT for Jira > Project Configuration

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 15.54.10.png

You can configure Fields to link assets to Jira issues. Each field can contain one or multiple assets, represented by their IDs. For each field, you can also configure the categories of the assets that can be linked.

The asset fields configured do not have to be added to issue screens, and should not be directly edited by users. Once configured, they will always be shown in any issue of the project, and can be used to link assets to the issue.

In Project, you can configure the features that will be enabled on the project level. For example, showing the Assets of Reporter in a Jira issue, or adding the Asset Search page to the project menu.

If the project is a Jira Service Management (JSM) project, you can also configure in which Request Types JSM users will be able to link assets. Similar to the fields, you can define what categories of assets will be supported by each request type.

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