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Asset Fields in Jira Issues

With our app, you can link your Snipe-IT assets to Jira issues. To make the asset field visible in specific Jira issues you need to add an asset (custom) field. Setting up this field varies between team-managed and company-managed.

Example of an issue with linked Asset.

Team-Managed Service Management Project

  1. Go to Project > Project settings > Request types

  2. Select the request type where you want to add the asset field.

  3. Add/configure the External asset platform field

    • in the “agent view”

      • Scroll down to find the External asset platform field (e.g. under Hide when empty)

      • Drag and drop the External asset platform field to the context where it should be shown (e.g. Context fields)

    • to the “request form”

      • Select the tab Request form

      • Click Add a field next to Visible fields

      • Select your asset field

      • Save changes

Drag and drop the External asset plattform into context fields.

Company-Managed Project

By default, a Linked assets custom field is created that can be added to any screens where assets are being used.

  1. Go to Jira settings > Issues

  2. On the sidebar select Custom fields under the Fields category

  3. Search for “asset”

  4. Click on the Action menu ···

  5. Associate the field Linked assets to the desired screen(s)

Sometimes it happens that the custom field was not created automatically. If you can’t find the custom field Linked assets, you can create it on your own following these steps.

Linked assets in the Custom fields screen.

Install Snipe IT for Jira

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