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Jira Forms (formerly ProForma)

This integration will no longer work after August 5th 2024 and Deep Clone for Jira will no longer be able to clone Forms due to Atlassian removing our access to the Forms data.

We are providing workarounds until we can provide a more permanent solution here.

If this impacts you, contact us.

With forms, you can build forms and checklists in Jira without using custom fields. With Deep Clone, it is possible to clone an issue with all the forms attached to it. This can also be automated using a Deep Clone Post Function Clone on a transition. It’s also possible to clone forms between different Jira Service Management projects.

You are flexible to decide whether you want to clone a form or not. Just (un)check Clone issue properties in the Deep Clone dialog.

Deep Clone for Jira configuration window with Clone issue properties marked

With the Deep Clone Project Clone feature, you can clone a Jira project and the project's forms as well.

Similarly, when cloning an issue with a form to a different instance, Deep Clone ensures that both the form and its values are copied, if you select “Clone issue properties” in the Deep Clone dialog. However, the cloned form will not be available as a template in the project settings.

If you want to have forms automatically adopt values of linked custom fields, which you changed during cloning via Clone and Edit, you need to open the form after cloning.



It is possible to clone Jira forms with Deep Clone by using a Jira Automation and the Jira Forms REST API.

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Steps to Set Up This Jira Cloud Automation Rule:

  1. Access Jira Cloud Automation:

    • Go to your Jira Cloud instance.

    • Navigate to the project where you want to set up the automation rule.

    • Select Project Settings and then Automation.

  2. Create a New Rule:

    • Click on Create rule.

    • Choose Incoming Webhook as the trigger.

    • Copy and paste the Webhook URL provided into your Deep Clone configuration under Advanced options > Trigger Jira Automation Incoming Webhook on the cloned issue.

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  1. Add Branch for Linked Issues:

    • Click on Add component and select Branch rule/related issues.

    • Select For: Linked Issues.

    • Specify the link type as clones. (Or another unique link type that Deep Clone is creating during the clone)

  2. Create Smart Value Variable:

  3. Send GET Web Request to retrieve attached forms:

    • Add an action to Send web request.

    • Configure the request as a GET request to the specified URL:{{cloudId}}/issue/{{issue.key}}/form

    • For authorization, refer to the Atlassian documentation.

  1. Log Response to Audit Log:

    • Add an action to Log action.

    • Log the value {{"\",\"")}} to the audit log.

    • This way, you can check the audit log for what forms have been passed to the next web request.

  2. Send POST Web Request to copy the forms:

    • Add another action to Send web request.

    • Configure the request as a POST request to the specified URL:{{cloudId}}/issue/{{issue.key}}/form/copy/{{triggerIssue.key}}

    • For authorization, refer to the Atlassian documentation.

    • The web request body has to be the following Custom data:

        "ids": [
          "{{"\" ,\"")}}"
  1. Save and Enable the Rule:

    • Review the rule configuration.

    • Save the rule and enable it.

By following these steps, you can set up an automation rule in Jira Cloud to handle cloned issues, retrieve form data, and copy it to the cloned issue that triggered the webhook.

Clone Forms as PDF

As a workaround, you can configure the Jira form to Create and attach a PDF of the form to the issue. That way, Deep Clone can clone the PDF attachment as long as Attachments is checked under Clone additional fields in the Clone configuration.

Jira forms configuration screen with Create and attach a PDF of the form to the issue
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