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Data Residency

Some of our apps are available in multiple geographical locations. We’re bound to the locations that Atlassian provides with their data residency options. We currently provide the following locations:


AWS region

Hostname suffix


Default: US East, North Virginia (us-east-1)

However, Atlassian may provision in the EU or US for performance reasons and install into the nearest supported region.




Europe, Germany, Frankfurt (eu-central-1)



US East, North Virginia (us-east-1)


You can find out your current location with our apps by inspecting the network traffic when our app is loading - for example, when opening a dialog within Deep Clone.

Changing locations

If your Jira/Confluence instance is in a different location than our app, you can relocate the app to your instance location.

Note that all configuration data stored on our databases is not transferred automatically when relocating the app between different locations. To transfer the configuration data between locations manually, please contact us!

To do so, please completely uninstall the app. Then, just re-install the app. If the app supports your Jira/Confluence instance location, it will be installed in the same location.

Without uninstalling the app, according to Atlassian, the location will never change on its own.

Supported apps

We’re in the process of enabling data residency for all our apps. Please let us know if you need support for a specific app and location!

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