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External Data for Confluence allows you to transform raw data into engaging, understandable visual representations. Whether you want to create dynamic charts, organize information in structured tables, design custom templates for a unique data representation, or leverage data providers for improved macro integration, our tool provides you with a comprehensive set of features to bring your ideas to life.


The chart feature in External Data for Confluence provides you with the option to visually display external data using different chart types. You can label your chart and customize it using JSONPath expressions to display a range of values from your data source.


External data for Confluence allows you to display data in the form of a customizable table within your Confluence project. This feature includes a search function to filter the results and even supports pagination to manage large data sets.


Using the template function in External Data for Confluence, you can fully customize the display of your data using HTML templates. You can include all Atlassian UI (AUI) CSS classes to ensure that your templates fit seamlessly into the Confluence environment. You can also create custom templates, e.g. to display more informative and visually consistent error messages.

Data Provider

This feature allows External Data for Confluence to serve as a data provider without requiring a visual representation such as a table or chart. You can configure the data to be provided, allowing you to select customized data elements for use in your Confluence project.Visuals display the data result to the viewer. :


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