Dynamic Custom Field Templates
Dynamic Custom Fields offers over 50 pre-configured templates that can be used as custom fields in your issues.
Template Name | Description |
Assignee user groups | All user groups in which the issue's assignee is a member |
Attachment authors | All users that have added attachments to the issue |
Attachment filenames | All filenames of the issue's attachments |
Attachment file types | All file types of the issue's attachments (e.g. image/png) |
Attachment total size | The total size of the issue's attachments |
Completed child issues percentage | The percentage of completed child issues of the issue (subtasks or Stories of an Epic) |
Comment authors | All users that have commented on the issue |
Days in previous status | The number of days the issue was in the previous status |
First assignee | The first assignee of the issue |
First attachment date | The date the first attachment was added to the issue |
First comment | The first comment of the issue |
First commenter name | The name of the first commenter of the issue |
First comment date | The date of the first comment of the issue |
First subtask created date | The created date of the oldest subtask under the issue |
Issue ID (internal) | The issue ID is an immutable ID within Jira, which won’t change even if you move the issue between projects. The issue ID has at least 5 digits, for example 12345. |
Issue type description | The description of the issue type |
Last assignee change author | The user who last changed the issue's assignee |
Last assignee change date | The date the issue's assignee was last changed |
Last comment | The last comment of the issue |
Last commenter name | The name of the last commenter of the issue |
Last comment date | The date of the last comment of the issue |
Last issue update author | The user that made the last update to the issue |
Last status change author | The user who last changed the issue status |
Last status change date | The date on which the issue status was last changed |
Last subtask created date | The created date of the newest subtask under the issue |
Number of affected versions | The number of affected versions in the issue |
Number of assignee changes | The number of times the issue's assignee was changed |
Number of attachments | The number of attachments in the issue |
Number of attachment authors | The number of users that have added attachments to the issue |
Number of child issues | The number of child issues in the issue (subtasks or Stories of an Epic) |
Number of child attachments | The number of attachments of all child issues (e.g. subtasks) |
Number of child comments | The number of comments of all child issues (e.g. subtasks) |
Number of comments | The number of comments in the issue |
Number of comment authors | The numbers of users that have commented on the issue |
Number of components | The number of components in the issue |
Number of fix versions | The number of fix versions in the issue |
Number of issue links | The number of issue links in the issue |
Number of issue links of a specific type | The number of issue links of a specific type (as default value the type “Blocks” is selected) |
Number of labels | The number of labels in the issue |
Number of status changes | The sum of all status changes of an issue |
Number of stories | Number of stories linked to the Epic - empty if the issue is not an Epic |
Number of subtasks | The number of subtasks under a parent issue |
Number of subtask attachments | The sum of all attachments of all subtasks |
Number of subtask comments | The number of comments of all subtasks which are under a parent issue (e.g. story) |
Parent assignee | The assignee of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the assignee of the parent story within the subtask.) |
Parent created date | The created date of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the created date of the parent story within the subtask.) |
Parent field value | The value of a custom field from the parent issue |
Parent issue key | The issue key of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the issue key of the parent story within the subtask.) |
Parent issue type | The issue type of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the issue type of the parent story within the subtask.) |
Parent priority | The priority of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the priority of the parent story within the subtask.) |
Parent project | The project key of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the project name of the parent story within the subtask.) |
Parent reporter | The reporter of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the reporter of the parent story within the subtask.) |
Parent resolution | The resolution of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the resolution of the parent story within the subtask.) |
Parent resolution date | The resolution date of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the resolution date of the parent story within the subtask.) |
Parent status | The status of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the status of the parent story within the subtask.) |
Parent updated date | The last updated date of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the updated date of the parent story within the subtask.) |
Previous assignee | The previous user who was assigned to the issue |
Priority description | The description of the issue’s priority |
Project key | The issue’s project key |
Project type (software/business/service_desk) | The type of the project in which the issue is located (“service_desk” refers to a service management project.) |
Project style (classic/next-gen) | The style of the project in which the issue is located (“classic” refers to a company-managed project, “next-gen” refers to a team-managed project) |
Reporter user groups | All user groups in which the issue reporter is a member |
Status description | The description of the issue status |
Subtask affected versions | The affected versions of all subtasks under the issue |
Subtask assignees | The assignees of all subtasks under the issue |
Subtask components | The components of all subtasks under the issue |
Subtask fix versions | The fix versions of all subtasks under the issue |
Subtask keys | The keys of all subtasks under the issue |
Subtask labels | The labels of all subtasks under the issue |
Subtask priorities | The priorities of all subtasks under the issue |
Subtask reporters | The reporters of all subtasks under the issue |
Subtask statuses | The statuses of all subtasks under the issue |