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How to Configure the Google Calendar for Confluence Macro

Once you have added the macro and authenticated your Google account, you can configure the calendar settings.

Customization Options

These customization options allow you to tailor the Google Calendar integration to your specific needs,

Calendar Frame Size

Width and Hight

You can adjust the size of the embedded calendar frame to fit your Confluence page layout seamlessly. Whether you want a compact view or a more expansive display, this customization ensures flexibility.

Google Calendar Configuration

Show/Hide Specific Calendars

Select the calendar(s) you want to display.

Sometimes, you might have multiple calendars integrated. With this app, you can choose which calendars to display directly within Confluence.

Hide calendars that are less relevant to keep your content focused.

Switch Views

The app supports three primary views: week, month, and agenda.

Week View: Displays a detailed overview of the week, including events and appointments.

Month View: Provides a broader perspective, showing the entire month’s events.

Agenda View: Lists events chronologically, making it ideal for planning and scheduling.

Google Calendar Custom Settings

Additional custom settings

  • Automatic timezone detection

  • Multiple language settings

  • 12h vs. 24h format automatically based on language settings

  • Helpful notifications for missing permissions or access

  • Choose distinct colors or color from calendars

  • The starting day of the week

  • Top menu (Display or remove navigation, date marker, print button, tabs (week, month, agenda)

  • Set initial date or use current date

  • Simplified subscription option

Time Zone detection and Subscribe to Google Calendar

Install Google Calendar for Confluence
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