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Content That Can Be Merged

Most issue fields and custom fields can be merged with Merge Agent for Jira, under the Fields section.

Advanced content that can be merged

  • Attachments

  • Comments

  • Issue links

  • Votes

  • Watchers

  • Work log

You’ll see in parentheses next to these how many of a content type would be merged, e.g. “Attachments (3)” would show that we’ve detected 3 attachments that would be merged if the checkbox is activated. For comments and the work log, you can select that the original time the comment was created will be added to the comment as the first line (since the comments themselves will be shown as being created when you merge the issue).

Merge configuration

Once you click the Merge button, you can see how we merge the fields and content into the other issues:

Merge progress dialog

You may close the dialog at any time without the merging process being interrupted. Note however that if you start editing the issue right away, your changes may be overwritten until the merging process is finished.

Known Limitations

We try our best to merge fields with as little deviation from the original issue as possible. Unfortunately, due to some limitations of Jira, a few problems remain where we cannot merge all content of existing issues:

  • Comments and work logs with restricted visibility will not be merged.

  • Some Service Desk and other custom field types can not be merged.

Install Merge Agent for Jira

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