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Dynamic Custom Field Templates

Dynamic Custom Fields offers over 50 pre-configured templates that can be used as custom fields in your issues.

Template Name


Assignee user groups

All user groups in which the issue's assignee is a member

Attachment authors

All users that have added attachments to the issue

Attachment filenames

All filenames of the issue's attachments

Attachment file types

All file types of the issue's attachments (e.g. image/png)

Attachment total size

The total size of the issue's attachments

Completed child issues percentage

The percentage of completed child issues of the issue (subtasks or Stories of an Epic)

Comment authors

All users that have commented on the issue

Days in previous status

The number of days the issue was in the previous status

First assignee

The first assignee of the issue

First attachment date

The date the first attachment was added to the issue

First comment

The first comment of the issue

First commenter name

The name of the first commenter of the issue

First comment date

The date of the first comment of the issue

First subtask created date

The created date of the oldest subtask under the issue

Issue ID (internal)

The issue ID is an immutable ID within Jira, which won’t change even if you move the issue between projects. The issue ID has at least 5 digits, for example 12345.

Issue type description

The description of the issue type

Last assignee change author

The user who last changed the issue's assignee

Last assignee change date

The date the issue's assignee was last changed

Last comment

The last comment of the issue

Last commenter name

The name of the last commenter of the issue

Last comment date

The date of the last comment of the issue

Last issue update author

The user that made the last update to the issue

Last status change author

The user who last changed the issue status

Last status change date

The date on which the issue status was last changed

Last subtask created date

The created date of the newest subtask under the issue

Number of affected versions

The number of affected versions in the issue

Number of assignee changes

The number of times the issue's assignee was changed

Number of attachments

The number of attachments in the issue

Number of attachment authors

The number of users that have added attachments to the issue

Number of child issues

The number of child issues in the issue (subtasks or Stories of an Epic)

Number of child attachments

The number of attachments of all child issues (e.g. subtasks)

Number of child comments

The number of comments of all child issues (e.g. subtasks)

Number of comments

The number of comments in the issue

Number of comment authors

The numbers of users that have commented on the issue

Number of components

The number of components in the issue

Number of fix versions

The number of fix versions in the issue

Number of issue links

The number of issue links in the issue

Number of issue links of a specific type

The number of issue links of a specific type (as default value the type “Blocks” is selected)

Number of labels

The number of labels in the issue

Number of status changes

The sum of all status changes of an issue

Number of stories

Number of stories linked to the Epic - empty if the issue is not an Epic

Number of subtasks

The number of subtasks under a parent issue

Number of subtask attachments

The sum of all attachments of all subtasks

Number of subtask comments

The number of comments of all subtasks which are under a parent issue (e.g. story)

Parent assignee

The assignee of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the assignee of the parent story within the subtask.)

Parent created date

The created date of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the created date of the parent story within the subtask.)

Parent field value

The value of a custom field from the parent issue

Parent issue key

The issue key of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the issue key of the parent story within the subtask.)

Parent issue type

The issue type of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the issue type of the parent story within the subtask.)

Parent priority

The priority of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the priority of the parent story within the subtask.)

Parent project

The project key of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the project name of the parent story within the subtask.)

Parent reporter

The reporter of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the reporter of the parent story within the subtask.)

Parent resolution

The resolution of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the resolution of the parent story within the subtask.)

Parent resolution date

The resolution date of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the resolution date of the parent story within the subtask.)

Parent status

The status of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the status of the parent story within the subtask.)

Parent updated date

The last updated date of the parent issue (This field can be used in issue hierarchies. For example, if a subtask is the child issue of a story, you can display the updated date of the parent story within the subtask.)

Previous assignee

The previous user who was assigned to the issue

Priority description

The description of the issue’s priority

Project key

The issue’s project key

Project type (software/business/service_desk)

The type of the project in which the issue is located (“service_desk” refers to a service management project.)

Project style (classic/next-gen)

The style of the project in which the issue is located (“classic” refers to a company-managed project, “next-gen” refers to a team-managed project)

Reporter user groups

All user groups in which the issue reporter is a member

Status description

The description of the issue status

Subtask affected versions

The affected versions of all subtasks under the issue

Subtask assignees

The assignees of all subtasks under the issue

Subtask components

The components of all subtasks under the issue

Subtask fix versions

The fix versions of all subtasks under the issue

Subtask keys

The keys of all subtasks under the issue

Subtask labels

The labels of all subtasks under the issue

Subtask priorities

The priorities of all subtasks under the issue

Subtask reporters

The reporters of all subtasks under the issue

Subtask statuses

The statuses of all subtasks under the issue

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