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How to Add Confluence Pages on Jira Dashboards

Learn to add Confluence pages to Jira Dashboards. Embed content directly from Confluence to enhance collaboration and visibility.

Navigate to one of your Jira Dashboards and click on the “Edit” button in the upper right-hand corner:

You’ll be able to add new dashboard gadgets on the right-hand side. Make sure to select the “Easy Confluence Page” gadget and click on “Add”:

Configure a Confluence Page Gadget

The “Confluence Page” gadget will be added to your dashboard. You can then copy/paste a link to a Confluence page and select which options should be enabled when showing the page. Tailor your Confluence content to fit your needs. Easy Confluence offers a variety of customization options, e.g. the ability to show comments, emojy reactions and the gadget height. Access control offers additional flexibility. Individual users can view embedded Confluence pages, ensuring privacy and security.

Please ensure that the URL is in one of the following formats:

  • Simple page


  • Blog page


  • Space overview page


Finally, when confirming with “Submit”, the Confluence page should be shown on your Jira Dashboard.

Install Easy Confluence Gadget for Jira Dashboards

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