Xray Test Management for Jira
When cloning an issue of type “Test” provided by Xray Test Management for Jira, Deep Clone for Jira supports cloning Test Details of types Manual, Gherkin (Cucumber), or Unstructured (Generic).
Before Xray Test details can be cloned, a connection must be established between Deep Clone and Xray.
Connection Setup
Create an API key in Xray following these instructions
In Jira, navigate to Apps > Manage your apps > Deep Clone > Third-party integrations
Submit the Client ID and Client Secret of the generated Xray API key
How to Clone Xray Test Details
Once the connection is set up, a new option is available in the Deep Clone form. Please note that the Xray “Test” target issue type has to be selected.
The tests will be cloned to the same folder in the target Test Repository as the original tests. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.
Cloning Test Details From One Instance to Another Instance
To clone Test Details across Instances you need to have set up Deep Clone for Jira and Xray on both instances. Additionally, you need to have configured the Deep Clone Instance Clone feature.
Note that both instances need to be configured with separate Xray API keys.
Known Limitations
The target issue type has to be “Test”.
Other Xray entities, such as Dataset, Preconditions, Test Sets, Test Plans, or Test Runs are not supported by Deep Clone for Jira at the moment.
Cloning Modular Tests is not supported at the moment, and called tests are cloned as regular manual tests.
Please let us know if these limitations are preventing you to use Deep Clone for Jira together with Xray Test Management.