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Quick Assigned to Me

Displays all unresolved issues assigned to me. Can be combined with the "Quick Controller" gadget.

You can bulk change issues directly from this gadget and export the gadget view via PDF.

Quick Assigned to Me dashboard gadget

Adding the 'Quick Assigned to Me' Gadget to Your Dashboard

  1. Go to your Jira Cloud dashboard and click Edit ✏️.

  2. Click Add gadget.

  3. The Gadget Directory will appear. Locate the Quick Assigned to Me gadget and click the Add button.

  4. The gadget will appear on your dashboard as follows, ready for you to configure:

Quick Filters for Jira Quick Assigned to Me gadget configuration
  • Group — define the group the gadget will belong to. Only gadgets in the same group are influenced by filters set in a Quick Controller in the same group. (Up to five different groups are possible)

  • Columns — select the issue fields to display as columns. Drag and drop to re-order.

  • Number of Results — type the maximum number of rows that you want the gadget to display per page. (Max. 100)

  • Auto refresh — define how often the gadget refreshes. By default every 5 minutes.

    • Every minute

    • Every 5 minutes

    • Every 15 minutes

    • Every 60 minutes

    • Never

Install Quick Filters for Jira Dashboards
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