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How to Add Prime Custom Fields

Discover how to use Prime Custom Fields in Jira to enhance project management with advanced field types like cascading lists and validated inputs.

After installing the app from the Atlassian Marketplace, you can start right away.

Select a Field Type

Prime Custom Field
  • Click on Next

  • Enter a name for the field and click on Create

  • Select the screens where the custom field shall be visible

  • Click on Update to finalize the process

Configuring Prime Custom Fields

This step is mandatory for some fields, like Prime Select List (deep cascading), and optional for others, like Prime To-Do List.

  • Navigate to Jira Settings > Issues > Custom fields

  • Search for the custom field to configure and click on its name

  • Navigate to the Contexts tab

  • Click on Create, edit or delete contexts

  • Create and edit field contexts according to your needs

  • In each context, click on Edit custom field config to enable the field-specific configuration

Read More

Prime Select List (deep cascading)

Prime Select List (deep cascading) JQL Queries

Prime To-Do List

Prime To-Do List JQL Queries

Prime Short text (validated)

How to Set Prime Custom Fields With Jira Automations

Install Prime Custom Fields for Jira

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