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Assets of Reporter in Jira issues

This is the documentation for Snipe-IT for Jira Version 2. All Version 1 users will have to migrate to Version 2 by the end of the year.

It is possible to show the assets of a Jira Issue reporter, by enabling the corresponding option when configuring projects.

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 16.36.28.png

Assets of reporter will be shown below the linked assets in a Jira issue. You can easily click through all assets directly from the Jira ticket. It’s possible to edit the status, the assignee, and the notes of every asset, as well as any custom field.

The email address of the Jira user must match the email address of the Snipe-IT user, to detect the correct Snipe-IT assignee in Jira.

Install Snipe IT for Jira

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