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Version 1 "Linked assets" field shows devices that aren't associated with the user

The Linked assets field behavior is given by Jira and is a bit tricky to understand. This is how it should work:

On the customer portal (e.g.

  • Assets assigned to the same email address in your asset management tool as the logged-in Jira user are shown first.

  • Assets unassigned in your asset management tool (i.e. without a location.email_address within your asset management tool) are shown below.

  • Assets assigned to a different email address are not shown at all.

On the JSM agent view (e.g.

  • Assets assigned to the same email address in the asset management tool as the logged-in Jira user are shown first.

  • All other assets (unassigned or with a different email address) are shown below.

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