Snipe-IT for Jira
Snipe-IT for Jira is a handy Jira integration for the asset management tool Snipe-IT. View Snipe-IT assets directly within Jira issues. Edit the assignee and the status of an asset without leaving Jira. Get more work done and switch tools less often.
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Version 2 of Snipe-IT for Jira
Find out which version you are using
Snipe-IT for Jira Version 1 Documentation
Setting up Your Connection to Snipe-IT
Selecting Assets in Service Requests
Accessory Checkout and Checkin
Showing Snipe-IT Custom Fields
Consumables, Licenses and Accessories
Assets of Reporter in Jira issues
Configure Asset Titles with Mustache Syntax
ERROR_FETCHING_ASSETS when fetching accessories
Do you have questions or feedback?
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have questions or concerns. We usually reply within one working day. Your feedback and ideas help us to improve our app for you and other customers.
Do you have questions about the asset management tool Snipe-IT? Please reach out to the support team at Grokability.